Wednesday, January 5, 2011

dua kilo sebelas

One of my last year's resolution. Achieved!!
  • is back as usual. Im on the similar trail that I rode on last year.
  • The feeling is just the same.
  • Its been a human race ritual to have a new year resolution. Every year, some never fail to have new resolutions even they failed countless time to achieve it. Its okay. Human are creature of habits. So we tend to do the same thing year by year.
  • As for me, I dont have any specific one. I guess my last year's resolution had been achieved successfully. Yes. Im damn proud of myself.
  • But after a while, I guess I have few resolutions afterall.
  • Firstly, I want to save up money as much as I can.
  • Secondly I want to finish my M.A
  • Lastly I want to fell in love with my ANGEL every day.
  • Cheezy aint it? Its just me. ;)

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