Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Teachers' guide to happinesst

In my two and a half years time in teaching field, I learned a lot from the surrounding, experience and myself. Just like a seasoned cook, I managed to come out with my own ingredient and recipe in teaching. This particular recipe, if prepared well, can bring happiness and long lasting smile upon teachers' face. So in this entry I would like to share the recipe of happiness specially made for teachers.

  1. I basket of well-planned lesson plan.
  2. One table spoon of positive attitude.
  3. A jar of motivation.
  4. I cup of responsibility
  5. A nice pair of shirt and pants.
  1. Put on the shirt and pants.
  2. Be responsible.
  3. Summon the motivation to teach and educate
  4. Sprinkle the positive attitude before going to classes
  5. Bring along the basket of lesson plan to classes.
P/s- It can be served any time of the day. Morning, afternoon, evening or even at night.

Thank you.

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