Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sucker Punch

  • Since the first time I saw Sucker Punch poster I fell in love with the movie. I guess its a movie that full with babes that can surely kick your ass and give you one or two sucker punches.

  • Yesterday I realized my dream of watching that movie. I got to admit that its not for the simple minded. You have to think and re-think in order to make sense of the movie.

  • Since my hommies and I considered ourselves as the not-so-simple-minded people,we tend to discuss the movie from our very own perspective.

  • Abok says " The whole movie is a metafora. Those three-layer scenes need to be understood carefully since they are related with each other. Its about the power that one posses that enables one to do what ever they want to do". Abok loves to talk deeply.

  • Anep continues- "I love the movie. It is full with action and drama. I like the part where the characters are in a war zone. I love Rocket the most!!"

  • Listening to my hommies talking make me realize that everyone has their own perspective when it comes to something. That makes our life colourful because everyone is different.

  • As for me, if you ask me about the movie I would only say " Babydoll my first. Amber my second. Vannesa Hudgens can come in third". Keh2.

  • Sometimes being simple minded is okay. ;)


Debot said...

dumb blonds, you guys are.

Muhamad Izzat said...

kami peminat gadis2 comel ;)


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