Monday, April 30, 2007

The quest for a name

this is the 2nd blog i write. today i spentthe whole evening at HAkim with my band mates. we're trying to figure out the best name for our new band. and guess what we could not find a name that suits our band's image and music. at first we tot that HIT CRUSADERS was a good choice. but the my fren came to realise that crusader has an ambiguos meaning that somewhat touch the religious we agree to drop the name. the we come up with various kind of name. some of them are

bing bear band
king size box
sweet vitriol
The frontier 45
The junkyard boys

huh.i guess it is a tough job to decide a band name.up untill now we cudnt find a name for our band. but we will continue to make a lot of noise at our room and in the studio.

p/s- we r bunch of beginners who try to make wonders with music
p/s- if u guys have any idea do tell me =)

1 comment:

Amir S. said...

now it went to be Ranjau Band-x.hahaha.


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