Its a very "true" video that touches everyone who had been or is in a relationship. Virgin pls dont watch this. You wont understand shit. Haha
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
I like ninja
This is a random video that I found n youtube. Its about a day in a ninja's life. It is fun to have a good laugh once in a while. Enjoy!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sucker Punch
- Since the first time I saw Sucker Punch poster I fell in love with the movie. I guess its a movie that full with babes that can surely kick your ass and give you one or two sucker punches.
- Yesterday I realized my dream of watching that movie. I got to admit that its not for the simple minded. You have to think and re-think in order to make sense of the movie.
- Since my hommies and I considered ourselves as the not-so-simple-minded people,we tend to discuss the movie from our very own perspective.
- Abok says " The whole movie is a metafora. Those three-layer scenes need to be understood carefully since they are related with each other. Its about the power that one posses that enables one to do what ever they want to do". Abok loves to talk deeply.
- Anep continues- "I love the movie. It is full with action and drama. I like the part where the characters are in a war zone. I love Rocket the most!!"
- Listening to my hommies talking make me realize that everyone has their own perspective when it comes to something. That makes our life colourful because everyone is different.
- As for me, if you ask me about the movie I would only say " Babydoll my first. Amber my second. Vannesa Hudgens can come in third". Keh2.
- Sometimes being simple minded is okay. ;)
Monday, April 4, 2011
- Masa belajar dulu, selalu lepak mamak. Nama mamak tu Darul Ehsan. Mungkin sebab kat Selangor nama dia macam tu.Kalau kat Sabah mungkin nama dia mamak di bawah bayu.
- Mamak kat sana tak lah hensem mana. Sekadar sedap mata memandang. Kira ok lah. Kalau tak sedap mata memandang boleh bawak marah. Bila marah tak selera nak makan. Tak selera makan buat apa lepak mamak. Tak gitu?
- Selalu lepak dengan kawan2 satu course. Itu je kawan yang ada. Keh2.
- Ada satu masa tu tgh sedap makan roti tampal, datang satu pak arab ni. Dia pakai jubah putih. Ketayap warna putih. Janggut pun putih. Badan sedap2 kalau nak masuk gusti.
- Datang2 dia terus duduk kat meja kami. Belum sempat kami cakap apa dia dah buka mulut. Ada bunyi2 arab. Aq cuba dengar dengan teliti. Mana tau dia baca surah lazim. Aq memang hafal. Tapi sepatah ponn aq tak paham. Kami sabar. "Dia mengaji kot", ujar Syameer.
- Selepas abes dia bahasa Arab kan kami, dia tiba2 cakap bahasa inggeris. Kami sebagai budak2 TESL memang wajib paham bahasa ni. Mula2 susah. Tapi lama2 senang. Pernah sekali tu aq chat sama Christian Bale. Sekali tu Christian Bale tiruan. Memang terbakar.
- "Please help our brother in Afghanistan. We are Muslim. We are brother", aq buat2 tak dengar sambil siul lagu grup Brothers. Tahun 90an dulu diorang memang up.
- "Help us to fight communist in Afghanistan. We need your help brother", ujar pak arab tu lagi. Kami dah segan2 malu. Pak arab tu cakap sikit punya kuat. Sampai satu Darul Ehsan usya kami. Cis.
- Dengan muka tak rela Syameer hulur duit dua ringgit bagi sama pak arab tu. Dalam hati aq pasti lepas ni musti Syameer nak pinjam duit sama aq buat beli Dunhill. Cis. kena kat aq balik.
- Lepas dapat duit pak arab tu berlalu. Dia tak pulak mintak sama orang lain kat Darul Ehsan.
- Kami sambung makan. Tiba2 aq bersuara "Eh. Kat Afghanistan ada komunis ke?".
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