Friday, December 28, 2007

Standing here in front of the mirror
Nameless shadow colors the background
Every now and then waiting for a light
To chase away all the shadow of doubts

Still I standing here in front of the mirror
The shadow is overwhelmed it cast a spell
A spell that drowns thousand souls
Can’t break the spell
lost control

Is it me or the shadow?
That colors the background and cast the spell?
I better run away
Far from everything
To see colors again.

cool covers

saya dan separuh cp di kedai kelantan kegemaran kawan2

hey ho everybody

on one faithfull afternoon, i was just browsing the internet hoping to stumble upon some fun and hip i try guess its just my luck.when my finger busy clicking the mouse, i found something that is really cool.when i say its cool,its really really really cool.there, on the webpage i found a hip video featuring a cute girl singing with her guitar.

it turned out that she is the new phenomenon on youtube. she took the net by storm by covering some of the hottest hits around.the most recognised song she did is umbrella by rihanna.she put a new dimension in the soong and i can hear the song with a whole new perspective. she even do britney's gimme more.she's great!!

she plays guitar.her voice is like heaven.she's cute. she rocks!!haha.

owh.her name is MARIEDIGBY. check her out.=)

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Love lost

i fail again.but unlike the previous one, i manage to read the sign well.i guess im mature enough to recognised between green and red light. i feel like a big joke.but anyhow i shouldnt fel like that. i should be proud of myself. like my fren said, 'Its her loss'. Haha.

If you lose me, you lose a good thing, that one thing i know for sure - Tim Armstrong
Move along - All american Reject
So i wave you goodbye my all fren in this lullaby - Lucy in the loo
She doesnt notice that i love her.. - Y2k

selamat tinggal =)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Black December

haha.lagi satu blog yang bertajuk ala2 gelap kambing black metal

oleh svbb lama tak menulis so aq decide nak tulis 2 blog dalam masa 15.gempak tak?

cuti yang gelap

haha. tajuk blog je dah kontroversi. aq dah lama tak tulis blog pasal umah aq tak de internet connection.biasa a nak pasang streamyx reda je a.

cuti2 ni aq banyak buang masa walaupun aq takde byk sgt masa sbb umur aq dah meningkat. satu benda yg aq slalu buat masa cuti ni ialah pegi gig, show dan sewaktu dgnnya. kira aq bdk2 gig a skang.haha. selalunya aq g tgk HUJAN a.sampai member2 panggil aq groupie HUJAN.pape je a.layan....

tapi semenjak dua menjak ni timbul rasa bosan tahap pitching tinggi tgk HUJAN. aq agak sbb dah selalu sgt tgk diorg. diorg pon dah selalu sgt tgk bosan a. jadi aq pilih utk tidak pegi gig atau show HUJAN buat sementara waktu. aq nak g tgk BITTERSWEET dgn THEY WILL KILL US ALL> baru ganas tahap gaban. untung2 buleh makan kasut converse mamat yg tgh buat body surf !! dah bosan tahap breakdance aq sign out.papai.


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